Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Sconesville or Bust!

I never posted this! Digital version of a screen print. The screen print is much softer looking.

Sconesville, digital version 2011

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Potato Chips for Dinner

Some new work! Well, the first image of Anjelic is new. The others were done some time ago, scanned and never really completed due to business/my own laziness.

Anjelic in White, 2012
 Anjelic in White detail, 2012
 Anjelic the Etheric, 2011 (the signature lies - copypasta from image above)
 Carbon Dance, 2011
 Carnivores sketch, 2011
Rosetta New, 2011

I think potato chips for dinner sounds healthy enough right now. Mmmm!